Management (Property Advantage)
Community Manager: Nicole Villegas (nvillegas@propadvantage.com; 760.585.1763)
General inquiries: 760.585.1700
Monthly Board Meetings
Board meetings are typically held on the fourth Tuesday every month via Zoom. Odd-numbered months typically involve full meetings that begin at 6:00 PM, while even-numbered months typically focus on architectural reviews that begin at 4:30 PM, and October and November typically include Annual Meetings that begin at 6:00 PM. However, please sign up for email blasts to receive meeting notices and/or check the display case at the HOA park on Hataca Road to verify meeting times.
Welcome, purpose, and operational overview
Welcome to the main Corona La Costa Homeowners Association (CLCHOA) website. CLCHOA is a non-profit "common interest development" corporation for the 209 single-family residential lots/homes that make up the Corona La Costa community in southeast Carlsbad, California. CLCHOA was formed for the preservation and architectural control of the individually owned lots and for the maintenance of common areas to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents.
CLCHOA is governed by a five-member Board of Directors (Board) elected from and by the Members of the Association (the owners of the 209 lots/homes). The day-to-day activities of the CLCHOA are handled by a management company at the direction of the Board, consistent with the governing documents. The main functions of the Board are to collect assessments, establish and enforce rules (e.g., architectural rules and maintenance requirements), approve/reject applications for exterior architectural modifications to the lots/homes, and maintain the common areas.
Online information
Main website
This main website contains general information about CLCHOA, including the following topics accessible in the navigation menu:
Architectural Control
Board of Directors/Meetings
Common Areas
Governing Documents
Owner Portal
Additional member-only information and functions can be accessed through the online Owner Portal (registration required; contact the Community Manager for details):
Association calendar
Account history
ACH enrollment form
Profile updates (email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses. and correspondence preferences)
Confidential correspondence (account statements and architectural, compliance, and delinquency letters)
Meeting minutes
Annual documents (Budget Reports, Policy Statements, Financial Reviews, and Reserve Studies)
Property (see color-coded map below)
CLCHOA stretches from La Costa Avenue on the south to the San Diego Gas & Electric power line right-of-way north of Verde Avenue on the north, and from Solano Street on the west to Cadencia Street on the east. In addition to the residential lots (purple outline in map below), CLCHOA operates three main common areas for the exclusive use of its members:
Corona La Costa Association Park (orange area on map below): A small passive park contiguous with the southeast corner of La Costa Canyon Park (La Costa Canyon Park is operated by the City of Carlsbad)
Corona La Costa Trail (yellow area on map below): Runs east-west under the SDG&E power lines between the northeast corner of La Costa Canyon Park and Cadencia Street.
Recreational Vehicle Storage Lot (red area on map below): Parking lot located east across Cadencia Street from the dog run for members to store recreational vehicles for an additional monthly assessment.